Eine interaktive Beteiligungskarte für innovatives Klimahandeln in Europa.
Springer Spektrum
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Springer Spektrum
Sprache (Orlis.pc)
ZLB: Erd 29 ZB 1678
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Hitze, Trockenheit, Starkregen – viele Menschen in Europa spüren bereits die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen und Prognosen zeigen, mit welchen konkreten Klimawandelfolgen auch in Europa in den kommenden Jahren zu rechnen sein wird. Trotz intensivem Klimaschutz werden bestimmte Folgen nicht mehr abwendbar sein. Daher muss das Thema Klimafolgenanpassung in den Fokus rücken. Hier setzt das von der EU im Programm Horizont 2020 geförderte Projekt TeRRIFICA an: Mithilfe einer interaktiven Beteiligungskarte, dem Crowd-Mapping-Tool, wird die Bevölkerung in das Sammeln relevanter Daten einbezogen und kann sich auch in weiteren co-kreativen Prozessen beteiligen. Die Markierungen in der interaktiven Karte sind Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen rund um die Folgen des Klimawandels und dienen als Grundlage, um zunächst auf lokaler Ebene passgenaue Maßnahmen zur Anpassung und weiterführende Aktionspläne zu entwickeln. Darauf aufbauend bilden die Markierungen auch die Grundlage für europaweite Empfehlungen und tragen so direkt zu einem verstärkten innovativem Klimahandeln auf europäischer Ebene bei.
Heat, drought, heavy rain—many people in Europe are already feeling the effects of climate change. Scientific studies and forecasts show which concrete climate change consequences can be expected in Europe in the coming years. Despite intensive climate protection, certain consequences will no longer be averted. It is important to focus on the topic of climate change adaptation now. This is where the TeRRIFICA project, funded by the EU in the Horizon 2020 program, comes in: With the help of an interactive participation map, the crowd mapping tool, citizens are involved in the collection of relevant data and can participate in further co-creative processes of climate change adaptation. The marks on the interactive map are experiences and observations regarding consequences of climate change and serve as a basis for developing tailor-made adaptation measures and further action plans at a local level. Building on this, the marks also form the basis for Europe-wide recommendations and thus contribute directly to increased innovative climate action at a European level.
Heat, drought, heavy rain—many people in Europe are already feeling the effects of climate change. Scientific studies and forecasts show which concrete climate change consequences can be expected in Europe in the coming years. Despite intensive climate protection, certain consequences will no longer be averted. It is important to focus on the topic of climate change adaptation now. This is where the TeRRIFICA project, funded by the EU in the Horizon 2020 program, comes in: With the help of an interactive participation map, the crowd mapping tool, citizens are involved in the collection of relevant data and can participate in further co-creative processes of climate change adaptation. The marks on the interactive map are experiences and observations regarding consequences of climate change and serve as a basis for developing tailor-made adaptation measures and further action plans at a local level. Building on this, the marks also form the basis for Europe-wide recommendations and thus contribute directly to increased innovative climate action at a European level.
Standort : Zeitschrift für angewandte Geographie