Straßenbahn-Energiemonitoring. Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe verbessern ihre Energieeffizienz.
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Sprache (Orlis.pc)
ZLB: Kws 335 ZB 6847
BBR: Z 529
TIB: ZO 1831
BBR: Z 529
TIB: ZO 1831
Dokumenttyp (zusätzl.)
Für einen Nahverkehrsbetrieb besitzt der sparsame Umgang mit Energie einen hohen Stellenwert. Die Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH haben diese Thematik in den Mittelpunkt eines Projektes gestellt, das von der Verkehrs-Consult Leipzig (VCL) GmbH federführend in Kooperation mit der Technischen Universität Dresden - Professur Elektrische Bahnen - bearbeitet wurde. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine mit Messtechnik ausgestattete Straßenbahn der LVB vier Wochen im planmäßigen Linienverkehr eingesetzt. Neben der Aufdeckung von Einsparpotentialen hat diese Arbeit auch Erkenntnisse über den spezifischen Energiebedarf pro Kilometer geliefert, was für die Planung des Energiebedarfs nützlich ist. Es wird deutlich, dass die Nebenverbraucher an Bord der Straßenbahn einen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf ihren Gesamtenergiebedarf haben. Es wird bewiesen, dass das subjektive Verhalten des Fahrers die wichtigste Einflussgröße auf den Energiebedarf der Straßenbahn darstellt. Am Beispiel der Untersuchung geben die Autoren Empfehlungen zu Maßnahmen mit besonderer Wirkung auf die Energieeffizienz.
The sensible and economical use of energy has a high priority for a Public Transport Company as a consumer of large amounts of electric energy. The Leipzig Transport Company (LVB) put the issue at the heart of a project. This project was handled by the company Transport Consult Leipzig (VCL) in cooperation with the Technical University of Dresden - Chair Electric Railways. For this reason a LVB tramcar was equipped with measuring instruments and computer technology. This tram was operated in the scheduled service of a tram line over a period of four weeks. In addition to the detection of potential savings this work has also provided insights into the specific energy consumption per kilometer which is useful for the planning of energy demand. It is clear that the energy demand of the ancillary equipment has a significant impact on the overall energy needs. It is proved that the individual driving style of the driver is the most important influencing factor on the energy needs of the tram. The authors make recommendations for the implementation of measures with special effect on the energy-efficiency by using the example of the investigation.
The sensible and economical use of energy has a high priority for a Public Transport Company as a consumer of large amounts of electric energy. The Leipzig Transport Company (LVB) put the issue at the heart of a project. This project was handled by the company Transport Consult Leipzig (VCL) in cooperation with the Technical University of Dresden - Chair Electric Railways. For this reason a LVB tramcar was equipped with measuring instruments and computer technology. This tram was operated in the scheduled service of a tram line over a period of four weeks. In addition to the detection of potential savings this work has also provided insights into the specific energy consumption per kilometer which is useful for the planning of energy demand. It is clear that the energy demand of the ancillary equipment has a significant impact on the overall energy needs. It is proved that the individual driving style of the driver is the most important influencing factor on the energy needs of the tram. The authors make recommendations for the implementation of measures with special effect on the energy-efficiency by using the example of the investigation.
Der Nahverkehr
Nr. 9
S. 50-56