Die intelligente Nutzung der Straße.
Deutscher Verkehrs-Verl.
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Deutscher Verkehrs-Verl.
Sprache (Orlis.pc)
ZLB: 4-Zs 310
BBR: Z 153
IFL: I 809
BBR: Z 153
IFL: I 809
Dokumenttyp (zusätzl.)
Reifen quietschen, Warnblinker leuchten - so sieht es aus, wenn Autofahrer plötzlich auf das Ende eines Staus treffen. Bis die Meldung in den Verkehrsnachrichten gesendet wird, wächst der Stau schnell auf viele Kilometer an. Runter von der Autobahn und den Stau oder Unfall umfahren - dafür ist es für viele dann bereits zu spät. Sie sitzen fest. Welcher Autofahrer wünschte sich in einer solchen Situation dann nicht auf die Fahrtroute und Verkehrslage maßgeschneiderte Verkehrsinformationen?
The negative impact of road traffic across Europe, showing growth rates up to 50 per cent based on the 2005 results, is apparently in conflict with the EU white paper that proposes a halving of the number of fatalities by 2010. The general intention is for road traffic to evolve securely and efficiently, with due consideration for the environment, making use of the existing road network, while innovative technological features and methods are being devised. Cooperative systems are deemed best to cope with traffic growth in a secure and efficient way since they are based on the close linkage between road infrastructure facilities and vehicles. The intention is to make better use of the existing road infrastructure and possibly not proceed with new road building projects. The Europe-oriented research project COOPERS is aimed at the development of innovative ways for, together with the integrating of, the application of telematics in order to close the existing gap between the choice in the support offered to drivers by the car manufacturing industry and the currently applicable management strategies in relation to road transport infrastructure.
The negative impact of road traffic across Europe, showing growth rates up to 50 per cent based on the 2005 results, is apparently in conflict with the EU white paper that proposes a halving of the number of fatalities by 2010. The general intention is for road traffic to evolve securely and efficiently, with due consideration for the environment, making use of the existing road network, while innovative technological features and methods are being devised. Cooperative systems are deemed best to cope with traffic growth in a secure and efficient way since they are based on the close linkage between road infrastructure facilities and vehicles. The intention is to make better use of the existing road infrastructure and possibly not proceed with new road building projects. The Europe-oriented research project COOPERS is aimed at the development of innovative ways for, together with the integrating of, the application of telematics in order to close the existing gap between the choice in the support offered to drivers by the car manufacturing industry and the currently applicable management strategies in relation to road transport infrastructure.
Internationales Verkehrswesen
Nr. 3
S. 20-23