Werkstätten effizienter betreiben. Optimierte Instandhaltung von Bussen.
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Sprache (Orlis.pc)
ZLB: 4-Zs 3393
BBR: Z 529
IRB: Z 1525
TIB: ZO 1831
BBR: Z 529
IRB: Z 1525
TIB: ZO 1831
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Der Öffentliche Personennahverkehr wird vor allem im Zuge der Umsetzung wettbewerbsorientierter EG-Regelungen (z.B. VO (EWG) 1191/69) von bedeutenden Reformen betroffen sein. Gleichzeitig nimmt die Finanznot der öffentlichen Haushalte beständig zu. In diesem Spannungsfeld sind die Verkehrsunternehmen aufgefordert, in allen Bereichen auch in der Fahrzeuginstandhaltung ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit und Effizienz laufend zu überprüfen und ihre Unternehmenspolitik diesen Rahmenbedingungen anzupassen. Obwohl an keiner anderen Stelle des Geschäftsprozesses Produktion von Wagenkilometern ein derart großer Rationalisierungserfolg erreicht wurde wie in der Fahrzeuginstandhaltung und dieser Bereich tendenziell lediglich noch einen untergeordneten Anteil an den wettbewerbsentscheidenden Kilometer-Kosten aufweist, sind weitere Optimierungsansätze möglich, die der VDV analysiert hat und über deren Ergebnisse in diesem Aufsatz berichtet wird. Um sich im Benchmarking belastbar mit potenziellen Wettbewerbern vergleichen zu können, ist es erforderlich, die oftmals gewachsenen Aktivitäten von ÖPNV-Werkstätten auf ihr Kerngeschäft, nämlich die reine Fahrzeuginstandhaltung, als Vergleichsbasis zu reduzieren. difu
The public passenger transport (PT) sector will be concerned by considerable reforms particularly in the course of conversion of EC regulations which are competition oriented. Simultaneously the financial needs of the public budgets are constantly increasing. Therefore, the transport companies are requested to evaluate their efficiency currently in every area - even in the field of vehicle maintenance - and to adapt their enterprise policies to these general conditions. Although there has been an outstanding success in rationalizing vehicle maintenance more than in every other sphere of activity of a transport undertaking, and although vehicle maintenance today only amounts subordinately to the kilometre cost which are decisive in the competition, further optimization is possible. The Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) is continuously analyzing a variety of optimization spheres of which the results are presented in this essay. In order to enable a well-founded comparison of the maintenance activities of different competitors (benchmarking) it is necessary to reduce the often traditionally established manifold activities of public transport workshops to the real core business of vehicle maintenance. difu
The public passenger transport (PT) sector will be concerned by considerable reforms particularly in the course of conversion of EC regulations which are competition oriented. Simultaneously the financial needs of the public budgets are constantly increasing. Therefore, the transport companies are requested to evaluate their efficiency currently in every area - even in the field of vehicle maintenance - and to adapt their enterprise policies to these general conditions. Although there has been an outstanding success in rationalizing vehicle maintenance more than in every other sphere of activity of a transport undertaking, and although vehicle maintenance today only amounts subordinately to the kilometre cost which are decisive in the competition, further optimization is possible. The Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) is continuously analyzing a variety of optimization spheres of which the results are presented in this essay. In order to enable a well-founded comparison of the maintenance activities of different competitors (benchmarking) it is necessary to reduce the often traditionally established manifold activities of public transport workshops to the real core business of vehicle maintenance. difu
Der Nahverkehr
Nr. 7/8
S. 7-12