ERTEILT2012-10-112020-01-042022-11-252020-01-042022-11-252011 Energy-Efficient Mobility in an Ageing Society (AENEAS) is a project which aims to apply soft measures (e.g. training, individualised travel marketing, awareness raising and events) in five European cities to encourage and enable older people to use alternatives to the private car. The brochure is a summary of the AENEAS publication "Staying Mobile: A guide to mobility management in ageing societies", which was produced to highlight exemplary programmes and projects that help older citizens to remain active and mobile.IDSStaying Mobile. A guide to mobility management in ageing societies. Summary.Graue Literatur3PKN4V6UDS0570Rupprecht Consult, Köln (für das Projekt Aeneas)IndividualverkehrFahrradverkehrMobilitätRadverkehrsförderungNachhaltige MobilitätMobilitätsmanagementDemographischer Wandel