ERTEILTBlondel, BenoitMispelon, ChloéFerguson, Julian2012-02-092020-01-042022-11-252020-01-042022-11-252011 evaluating different transport modes, it is the bicycle that allows for important greenhouse gas savings. Although not a carbon free mode of transport, the bicycle s GHG emissions are over 10 times lower than those stemming from individual motorized transport. Pedelecs, despite their electric assistance, are also found to have greenhouse gas emissions in the same range as ordinary bicycles. This study shows that if levels of cycling in the EU-27 were equivalent to those found in Denmark, bicycle use would help achieve 12 to 26% of the 2050 target reduction set for the transport sector, depending on which transport mode the bicycle replaces.IDSCycle more often 2 cooldown the Planet! Quantifying CO2 savings of cycling.Graue Literatur5L34TGO7DS0359European Cyclist?s Federation -ECF-, BrüsselIndividualverkehrFahrradverkehrFahrradnutzungNachhaltige MobilitätEmissionsminderungEmissionshandelMultimodalitätStudie