Drude, Michael2008-09-022020-01-042022-11-252020-01-042022-11-2520080020-9511https://orlis.difu.de/handle/difu/164888100 Jahre Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Ihrer Gründung und Entwicklung wurde Ende Juni dieses Jahres in Berlin in einem würdigen Rahmen und in angemessener Breite gedacht. Es wird in geraffter Form berichtet, wie die DVWG entstand und wie sie zu dem wurde, was sie heute darstellt.In 1908, when railways dominated Germany's transport scene, higher ranking railway officials in Prussia formed an association to exchange ideas relating to scientific research and to further job-related education - against the background of a rapid technical advance in transport - thereby establishing the nucleus for the DVWG. After World War I, the association's base was extended with regard to the scope of its rational and the geographical area covered, leading to the formation of the 'Scientific Association for Transport'. The end of World War II temporarily interrupted the activities of the association but as early as 1949, it was resurrected in the form of the present day DVWG. Since reunification, all regions of Germany have been covered. Lectures, workshops and a range of events, on a local or regional basis, help the association to contribute to the formulation of opinions concerning transport policy matters while facilitating subject-related decisions, aided by the highly regarded in-house publication "Internationales Verkehrswesen". Membership numbers continue to grow.100 Jahre DVWG.100-year celebration of the German Association of Transport Sciences (DVWG).ZeitschriftenaufsatzDM08081117VerkehrVerkehrswissenschaftInstitutionInstitutionengeschichteVerkehrstechnikVerkehrstechnologieGeschichteVereinVerkehrswesen