ERTEILTWeirich, Christian2013-01-142020-01-042022-11-252020-01-042022-11-252012 paper focusses on the possible potential of cargobikes in Germany as a different mode of transportation especially in cities. Statistical data is presented about the current usage of cargobikes and the specific attitudes of authorities concerning cargobikes. Additionally two surveys have been carried out. One focussing on users of cargobikes and one focussing on non-user respectively. It turns out that very few cargobikes are used in Germany, and that authorities are aware of cargobikes, but mostly do not account for them in any special way. Conclusively, the author identifies the most important factors influencing the development of cargobikes as an alternative mode of transportation.IDSCargobikes - the solution to urban congestion? Current usage, future potential and impacts of an alternative way of short distance transportation.Graue LiteraturREMB0FX7DS0642Weirich, ChristianIndividualverkehrFahrradverkehrPotenzialanalyseVerkehrsmittelwahlStadtverkehrCargobikeLastenradFahrradnutzungHandlungsempfehlung