ERTEILTFiedler, MatthiasBemmelen, Maarten van2013-03-282020-01-042022-11-252020-01-042022-11-252010 Energy-Efficient Mobility in an Ageing Society (AENEAS) is a project which aims to apply soft measures (e.g. training, individualised travel marketing, awareness raising and events) in five European cities to encourage and enable older people to use alternatives to the private car.ALLCycling and Health in an Ageing Society. Report on AENEAS Training Workshop 9 and 10 June 2010 City of Odense.Graue Literatur94A3Y81VDS0716Rupprecht Consult, Köln (für das Projekt Aeneas)IndividualverkehrFahrradverkehrMobilitätGesundheitMobilitätsmanagementDemographischer WandelSeniorMobilitätsverhaltenFahrradnutzungGesundheitsförderung