EXTERNBeyer, ClemensSchrenk, Manfred2019-12-162020-01-062022-11-262020-01-062022-11-2620182521-3938https://orlis.difu.de/handle/difu/252967Vorgestellt wird das Projekt CentropeMAP, ein Geoportal, welches grenzüberschreitend Geodaten anbietet, die von und in vier unterschiedlichen Ländern bereitgestellt werden.The Centrope region unites the territory near the common boundaries of Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and the Slovak Republic. To foster cross-border issues in municipal and regional planning, CentropeMAP was introduced in the year 2005. CentropeMAP is a geoportal displaying datasets from the Centrope partner countries in a common interface, thus allowing an easy view across the borders. CentropeMAP is also the basis for the interactive cross-border statistics information system CentropeSTATISTICS which allows statistic figures from the fields of demography, economy, and land use to be compared with each other, analysed and graphically displayed. CentropeSTATISTICS concentrates on data at municipality level, which is the major difference to other existing cross-border statistics portals which often present their data only on NUTS 3 or even NUTS 2 levels which is insufficient for a cross-border analysis on a small scale. Since autumn 2017 CentropeSTATISTICS contains a municipality and region comparison tool. Data for one or more municipalities can be compared with each other, or user-defined regions can be analysed of course across the borders within the whole Centrope region.CentropeMAP. Cross-border data at a glance.Aufsatz aus SammelwerkMU03K4P7DCORP2018006EuroregionRegionalentwicklungRegionalplanungGrenzüberschreitende RaumordnungGeodatenGeografische DatenRegionaldatenThemakartePlanungsinstrument